best hr blogs

What are the best HR blogs?

What are the best HR blogs to read? From’s blog to HR Bartender to Find My Profession’s blog, here are the 10 answers to the question, “What is the best HR blog?” SHRM Ask a Manager Workmatters Blog HR Bartender The Officevibe Blog Evil HR Lady Blue Board Blog LinkedIn Talent Solutions Blog Find My Profession The best HR blog is The Team Building Blog by

best Employee Benefits for WFH Employees

What are the best employee benefits for WFH employees?

Most Desirable Employee Benefits for WFH Employees From providing a platform for mental health to satisfying stomachs with a meal delivery program, here are nine answers to the question, “What are some additional employee benefits that your work-from-home employees would love to have?” Mental Well-Being Platform Co-Working Spaces Wellness Benefits: Gym, Spa, Massage, Etc. Lunch Via the Thanksmatters Card Option to Work Four Days a Week Memberships to Employees’ Favorite

HR documentation best practices

What are some HR documentation best practices?

From limiting access to confidential documents to labeling documents clearly and accurately, here are the 6 answers to the question, “What is a best practice for HR documentation?” Limit Access to Confidential Documents Keep Digital and Physical Records Use PeopleDoc Develop a Storing System Lable Documents Clearly and Accurately Limit Access to Confidential Documents Limit access to confidential documents to authorized personnel only. This is to ensure the security of

What Are The Best HR Books for Beginners

What are the best HR books for beginners?

What are the best HR books for someone just getting started in Human Resources? From “Unleashing the Power of Diversity” to “Armstrong’s Handbook of HRM Practice”, here are the 6 answers to the question, “What is the best HR book for someone just getting started – or looking to get started – in HR?” Unleashing the Power of Diversity HR On Purpose What Color Is Your Parachute No Rules Rule

Human Resource Philosophy Examples

What’s your philosophy on Human Resources?

What are some human resource philosophy examples? From putting your team first to how vital HR is to the business, here are the five answers to the question, “What’s your philosophy on Human Resources?” Prioritize Your Employees First People Are Our Most Important Resource HR Is the Glue That Holds Your Team Together HR Should Be a Strategic Partner in the Firm Our Role Is Absolutely Vital for Company Success

What are the best practices for HR metrics?

What Are Some HR Metrics Best Practices? What is one best practice for HR metrics? To help you make the best of any data collected with HR, we asked C-suite executives and other HR leaders this question for their best recommendations. From timely data collection to keeping your focus on the big picture, there are several tips that may help you maximize the insight gained from your HR metrics. Here

Best Marketing Books for HR Professionals

What are the best marketing books for HR professionals to read?

12 Best Marketing Books For Young Professionals What’s one book all young professionals should read about marketing? To help you discover the best book in marketing for young professionals, we asked marketing professionals and business leaders this question for their best recommendations. There are several marketing books that are recommended to help you understand the principles, and learn the ropes in marketing as a young professional.Here are 12 marketing books

VTO Best Practices For Voluntary Time Off

What are some VTO policy best practices?

9 VTO Best Practices For Voluntary Time Off What is the best practice for a VTO, or voluntary time off policy? To help you with Best Practices, we asked founders and other thought leaders this question for their best recommendations. From “Using Data to Manage Scheduling” to “Track & Report Results”, there are several insights that may help you with VTO best practices in forming a voluntary time off policy.

Talent Acquisition Skills Needed For Success in TA

What skills do you need to be in talent acquisition?

14 Talent Acquisition Skills Needed For Success in TA What is one important skill needed to become successful at talent acquisition? To help you with Talent Acquisition Skills, we asked CEOs and CHROs this question for their best insights. From “Ability to Sell and Influence” to “Emotional Intelligence”, there are several recommendations that may help you with Talent Acquisition Skills in the future. Here are fourteen insights for Talent Acquisition

Four Day Work Week Best Practices

What are best practices for a four day work week?

What are best practices for a four day work week? Are you tired of working long hours just to barely make ends meet? If so, you’re not alone. In fact, a growing number of people are choosing a four day work week as the best way to live the life they want. Four day work weeks have been shown to be more productive and efficient than traditional work weeks, and