Independent Contractor Best Practices for Domestic Hires

What are best practices for hiring an independent contractor?

What’s some best practices for hiring an independent contractor? To help you follow the best approach in engaging independent contractors, we asked HR managers and business leaders this question for their best insights. From having insurance in place to setting clear expectations and boundaries, there are several tips that should serve as your best guide when hiring an independent contractor. Here are eight best practices these leaders follow when hiring

6 Expense Reimbursement Policy Best Practices

What is one best practice for an expense reimbursement policy?   To help you with expense reimbursement policy best practices, we asked HR managers and business leaders this question for their best insights. From streamlining the reimbursement system to simplifying and giving examples, there are several ideas that may help you build out your expense reimbursement policy in the future. Here are six expense reimbursement policy best practices: Streamline the

6 Layoff Best Practices

6 Layoff Best Practices

What Is One Best Practice When Conducting Layoffs?   To help you conduct layoffs the best way, we asked HR managers and CEOs this question for their best advice. From communicating in-person to the employee to holding a survivors’ meeting after the layoffs, there are several pieces of advice that you may adopt as best practices for conducting layoffs in your organization.   Here Are Six Layoff Best Practices: Communicate

best practices for background checks

5 Background Check Best Practices

What’s a best practice when it comes to background checks? To help you with best practices for carrying out background checks on candidates, we asked hiring managers and business leaders this question for their best insights. From defining the scope and nature of the background checks to maintaining consistent guidelines, there are several best practices that you may follow to ensure sound and thorough background checks on employees you are

best defenses for positive drug test

7 Best Defenses for a Positive Drug Test

What is the best defense you’ve heard from a job candidate for a positive drug test? To help you prepare for defenses you might hear from a candidate with a positive drug test, we asked hiring managers and HR representatives this question for their most memorable experiences. From blaming it on eating poppy seed muffins for breakfast to drinking their roommate’s coffee, there are several experiences that may help you

abrasive hr manager

What to do if your HR manager is abrasive?

What is one thing an employee should do if their HR manager is abrasive? For most employees, the Human Resources department is a source of support and help when struggling with something at the workplace. Unfortunately, it is not uncommon for even the HR department to have rough days. After all, they’re human too. If you find yourself communicating with your HR rep and face aggression or a lack of

file harassment charges against hr manager

How to file harassment charges against HR manager

What is one step for an employee looking to file harassment charges against their HR manager? We asked legal professionals and business leaders this question for their best advice. From documenting all events to finding online resources, there are several ways to prepare and file harassment charges against a manager in human resources. Here are five ways to file harassment charges against an HR manager: Document All the Events File