Why are gender neutral bathrooms important?

Why are gender neutral bathrooms important?

From the importance of using the restroom without fear or doubt to breaking down stereotypes, here are 5 answers to the question, “Are gender neutral bathrooms important for companies?”

  • Individuals of Any Identity Can Use Restrooms Without Fear or Doubt
  • Helpful For Parents
  • Inclusivity Should Be Your Priority
  • Single Use Bathrooms are More Accessible for Wheelchairs
  • Gender Neutral Bathrooms Break Down Stereotypes

Individuals of Any Identity Can Use Restrooms Without Fear or Doubt

Gender-neutral bathrooms are becoming increasingly important in the workplace. Not only do they provide much-needed comfort and safety to transgender, non-binary, and gender non-conforming individuals in the workplace, but they can also create a more inclusive environment for all employees.

Gender-neutral bathrooms allow people of any gender identity or expression to use the restroom without fear of feeling uncomfortable or unsafe. This can help reduce discrimination and create a more diverse, accepting workplace where everyone feels safe and accepted.

Aviad Faruz, CEO, FARUZO

Helpful For Parents

Companies should be as inclusive as possible, and that includes their office space. A great way to show that you’re welcoming to everyone is having gender-neutral bathrooms available. It will undoubtedly make one group of people feel very happy, and it’s a group that already has a lot on their plate: parents.

Gender-neutral bathrooms are the perfect solution for the old dilemma that mothers face when they want to accompany their sons to the bathroom. Due to societal stereotypes, it’s probably even more of a game-changer for fathers: when they need to take their daughters to the restroom, they often feel unwelcome in the ladies’ room, but still want to spare their little girl a trip to the men’s room.

With gender-neutral bathrooms, parents never have to feel uncomfortable when taking care of their kids’ most basic needs ever again.

Maja Kowalska, Community Manager, Zety

Inclusivity Should Be Your Priority

Providing gender-neutral bathrooms in a workplace can be an important step for companies to create an inclusive and welcoming environment for all employees. This can be beneficial for employees who identify as transgender, non-binary, or gender non-conforming, as well as for those who may have a need or preference for privacy or safety when using the bathroom.

Another benefit would be that they reduce the risk of discrimination or harassment based on gender identity or expression. Not having gender-neutral bathrooms can make some employees feel uncomfortable and unwelcome, and it could lead to discrimination and harassment from colleagues, and could also lead to legal issues.

Derek Sall, Founder and Financial Expert, Life and My Finances

Single Use Bathrooms are More Accessible for Wheelchairs

I believe single-use, gender-neutral bathrooms are important for companies, as transgender employees may feel more welcomed and they do not have to worry about choosing between the male or female bathroom. A single-use bathroom is also more easily accessible for wheelchairs and meets ADA requirements.

Lindsey Hight, HR Professional, Renue Commercial

Gender Neutral Bathrooms Break Down Stereotypes

At our clinic, we use gender-neutral bathrooms. It’s important to acknowledge gender-affirming care and allow patients and employees access to bathrooms that are not gender-specific. The focus is on choice. If a person wants to use a gender-neutral bathroom, they have that option. One of the best aspects of gender-neutral bathrooms is that they break down stereotypes over gender, improving inclusivity for all. It’s important for everyone to feel comfortable, safe, and respected in a working environment.

Lilia Koss, Community Manager, Facialteam

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