HR Manager as a General Manager in a Private Company

Should an HR manager be a general manager in a private company?

Should an HR manager be a general manager in a private company?   To help business owners decide whether or not to promote an HR manager to a general manager, we asked experienced CEOs and private business owners this question for their best insights. From keeping HR separate and neutral to using crucial HR experience as an asset, there are several opinions that may help you determine whether or not

7 best training resources for HR managers

7 Best Training Resources for HR Managers

What is one training resource that’s good to develop an HR manager? To help you choose the best training resources for HR manager development, we asked small business owners and HR leaders this question for their best insights. From exploring to utilizing the conflict resolution database, there are several recommendations that may help you choose which resource to use in the future. Here are seven of the best training

5 Employee Files Best Practices

5 Employee Files Best Practices

What is one best practice for keeping employee files? To help you keep employee files, we asked HR managers and small business owners this question for their best tips. From storing files off-site to continually updating your data, there are several strategies that may help you maintain employee files in the future. Here are five best practices for keeping employee files: Store Files Off-Site Implement an Online Document Management System

6 Relocation Policy Best Practices

6 Relocation Policy Best Practices

What is one best practice for relocation policies? To help you with forming your relocation policies, we asked HR leaders and CEOs this question for their best insights. From supporting as much as you can to providing temporary housing, there are several tips that may help you create your company’s relocation policies. Here are six best practices to implement in relocation policies: Support as Much as You Can Consider Cost

best ways to get revenge on coworker

4 Best Ways To Get Revenge at Work

What is one of the best ways to get revenge on a coworker at work? To help you seek revenge on a coworker at work, we asked HR managers and CEO’s this question for their best recommendations. From being better than them at the job to working toward new achievements, there are several tips to help you get revenge at work in the future. Here are four ways to get

best 360 leadership assessment tools

5 Best 360 Leadership Assessment Tools

What is the best 360 leadership assessment tool? To help you discover the best 360 leadership assessment tools, we asked HR professionals and business leaders this question for their best insights. From the Ennegram tool to a professional coach, there are several leadership assessment tools that may help you improve the evaluation and feedback given to leaders in your organization. Here are the five best leadership assessment tools: Enneagram Leadership

bring your best self

12 Best Ways To Bring Your Best Self To Work

What is one way to bring your best self to work? To help you bring your best self to work, we asked business professionals and CEOs this question for their best insights. From practicing self care to starting with positive affirmations, there are several tips that may help you bring your ideal self to work every day. Here are twelve ways to bring your best self to work: Practice Self

best benefits for gig workers

8 Best Benefits for Gig Workers

What is one of the best benefits for gig workers? To help discover the best benefits that gig workers can receive, we asked HR professionals and business leaders this question for their best insights. From telehealth services to your own workplace, there are several benefits that come with the line of gig work. Here are the eight best benefits for gig workers: Telehealth Services Freedom Customized Gadgets and Devices The

best practices employee promotions

10 Employee Promotion Best Practices

What is one best practice for employee promotions? To help you discover the best practices when promoting employees, we asked HR managers and business owners this question for their best insights. From announcing the promotion for the employee to celebrating as a team, there are several tips that may help you manage promotions in a way that is considerate and effective for all. Here are 10 employee promotion best practices:

employee resentment

The 7 Best Ways to Cause Employee Resentment

What is the best way to cause employee resentment? To help you avoid causing employee resentment, we asked CEOs and HR leaders this question for their best insights. From having leaders that don’t hold themselves to team standards to being all talk and no action, there are several viewpoints that may help you avoid employee resentment in the future. Here are seven ways to cause employee resentment: Have Leaders That