Best Personality Tests for Workplaces

5 Best Personality Tests for Workplaces

What is your favorite personality test for workplaces? To help you find the best personality test for your workplace, we asked HR managers and business leaders this question for their best recommendations. From Revised NEO Personality Inventory to CliftonStrengths to the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, there are several personality tests that you may choose from as the best for your workplace. Here are five best personality tests for Workplaces: Revised NEO

5 Best Incentive Programs for Employees

5 Best Incentive Programs for Employees

What is the best incentive program you have for employees? To help you determine the best incentive programs for employees, we asked HR managers and business leaders this question for their best recommendations. From profit sharing to career development opportunities, there are several incentive programs that you may use to reward and motivate your employees as needed. Here are five incentive programs for employees: Profit Sharing Thanks Matters Visa Card

8 Flexible Work Arrangements Best Practices

8 Flexible Work Arrangements Best Practices

What is one best practice for flexible work arrangements? To help you follow best practices for flexible work arrangements, we asked CEOs and business leaders this question for their best advice. From centralizing workplace communication to defining the extent of flexibility, there are several best practices you may adopt to create and maintain flexible work arrangements for your employees. Here are eight best practices for flexible work arrangements: Centralize Workplace

ask for severance pay when resigning

How To Ask for Severance Pay When Resigning: 5 Tips

What Is One Tip You’d Offer An Employee Who Wants To Ask For Severance Pay When Resigning?   To help you know how to ask for severance pay when resigning, we asked CEOs and business leaders this question for their best advice. From working severance pay into your contract when being hired to verifying the evidence first, there are several tips that you may follow to help you claim your

4 Best Examples of Variable Pay

4 Best Examples of Variable Pay

What is one example of variable pay in your company? To help you know what incentives to use as variable pay in your company, we asked business leaders and CEOs this question for their best examples. From performance bonus to loan acquisition bonus, there are several examples of compensations that you may use as variable pay to reward your employees. Here are the four best examples of variable pay: Performance

Increase Generational Diversity in The Workplace

10 Ways To Increase Generational Diversity in The Workplace

What is one way to increase generational diversity in the workplace?   To help you increase generational diversity in the workplace, we asked HR managers and business leaders this question for their best ideas. From encouraging reverse mentorship to taking a critical look at your recruitment funnel, there are several ideas that may help you increase diversity across all ages in your workforce. Here are 10 ways to increase generational

best practices for travel and expense policies

5 Travel and Expense Policy Best Practices

What is a best practice for travel and expense policies?   To help you with best practices for travel and expense policies, we asked CEOs and business leaders this question for their best insights. From giving per-diems in advance to having a manager approve the travels and expenses first, there are several ideas that may help you follow best practices for your travel and expense policies. Here are five best

best practices for exit interview

9 Exit Interview Best Practices

What is a best practice for exit interviews?   To help you follow best practices when conducting exit interviews, we asked business leaders and HR managers this question for their best insights. From structuring questions for data comparison to giving the employee chance to vent out everything, there are several best practices that you may adopt to help both you and the exiting employees get the best out of exit

7 Telework Best Practices

7 Telework Best Practices

What is one best practice for teleworking? To help you follow best practices for teleworking, we asked HR managers and business leaders this question for their best insights. From organizing in-person meetings once in a while to taking enough breaks between tasks, there are several best practices that you may adopt for successful teleworking.  Here are seven best practices for teleworking: Organize In-Person Meetings Once in a While Create Communication

Social Media Policies Best Practices

6 Social Media Policies Best Practices

When it comes to writing a social media policy for employees, what should the policy absolutely include? To help you with best practices for social media policies, we asked social media managers and marketing experts this question for their best insights. From advising against posting competitors to clarifying confidentiality, there are several best practices that you may adopt as essential components of your social media policy.  Here are six best