hr automation

What are some HR automation best practices?

From “Be Security Conscious” to “Best practice for HR automation”, here are the 8 answers to the question, “What is a best practice for HR automation?”

  • Be Security Conscious
  • Technology that Helps Track Employee Records
  • Sort Out Permissions
  • Integrate Automation Software Slowly
  • Try More Than One Piece of Software
  • Investing in Scalable Tech
  • Balance Efficiency and Human Connection
  • Best Practice for Hr Automation


Be Security Conscious

HR automation is a great way to speed up processes and keep everything organized, but you need to keep in mind that the HR information being processed and manipulated by automation is quite possibly the most important and sensitive information your company has. Cyber attacks can open up this information to bad actors on the internet so making sure that you are protected should be a top priority. You should have high-quality encryption and access restrictions in place to ensure that you are secure.

Jacob Dayan, Co-founder and CEO, Community Tax


Technology that Helps Track Employee Records

One best practice for HR automation is to use technology that can help you keep track of your employees’ records. This could include tracking absences, time off, and other information. Technology can also help you automate the process of sending out HR-related documents like offer letters and new hire paperwork.

Aviad Faruz, CEO, FARUZO


Sort Out Permissions

While it’s nice for those in management roles to have finite control over who has permissions for what, it can get a bit frustrating for employees, especially when they are new. Too many permissions will actually slow down your automation to a crawl, making it practically manual in practice rather than the swift and seamless system you’re trying to build. Its a good idea to take some time out to give actual consideration about what elements of a job actually need to be gated by user permissions. Often, it’s far less than you might initially think. Keep only what is essential and drop anything else that only causes things to move at a crawl. This will  help make sure that your automation effort is performing as intended and not bogging down on-boarding, projects or anything else that is important to your businesses success.

Max Schwartzapfel, CMO, Schwartzapfel Lawyers


Integrate Automation Software Slowly

When it comes to HR automation, my advice is to always integrate automation software slowly.

Far too many HR professionals assume that software will work out-of-the-box. or lessen the strain on certain manual aspects of their role that they require immediate automation for.

Yes, software can definitely help with automation. However, not only does it need to be adjusted to fit your requirements, but there may also be a steep learning curve for you and your team; so it’s not something you want to go rushing into with a full roll-out from day one!

Wendy Makinson, HR Manager , Joloda Hydraroll


Try More Than One Piece of Software

Any new software can often bring with it a series of challenges, and often an extensive learning period for all staff involved.

With that being said, it’s vital that you test multiple software and tools before landing on the one you want to provide automation assistance. You and your team all need to be comfortable with a given piece of software.

It could be the best software in the world in terms of automation, but if it has a very steep learning curve and feels impossible to use then it may not be the most efficient to roll-out across an entire team.

Tracey Beveridge, HR Director, Personnel Checks


Investing in Scalable Tech

Investing in scalable technology is a must. Scalability ensures continued use and minimal changes. The initial HR solution for a small business just getting started will not serve the same purpose when the company grows larger down the road. The ideal technology needs to be scalable, so it can grow alongside the business.

Lyudmyla Dobrynina, Head of Marketing, Optimeal


Balance Efficiency and Human Connection

The rise in technology has brought with it increases in efficiency, but sometimes at the expense of human connection. When considering what aspects of your HR process to automate, keep in mind to not lose that human touch with candidates and employees. For example, automating interview invitations to qualified candidates can be a great way to save time. That being said, make sure it mentions the candidate by name and looks like it’s coming from an individual rather than a company, so as not to lose that personal touch.

Matt Parkin, Business Development Lead, FindWRK


Best Practice for Hr Automation

A best practice for HR automation is the automation of applications.  Our HR department used to receive hard copy applications that were mailed to us and, each day, we would receive these applications one by one.  This was a very tedious process and would delay applications being received by the hiring committee.  We have since automated our application process by purchasing an ATS system that reviews applications for us based on required qualifications and the applicant responding to questions.  It has certainly sped up our hiring process and leaves room for other HR tasks!

Lindsey Hight, HR Professional, Renue Commercial
