Human Management Theory Influences Organizational Behavior

How does human management theory influence organizational behavior?

Here is was 9 thought-leaders had to say:

  • Camaraderie = Happy, Loyal Staff
  • Dictates How Employees and Work Are Organized
  • Manager Behavior Has Positive Or Negative Impacts
  • Helps Organizations Run Efficiently
  • How Leaders Treat Employees
  • Improves Productivity and Operational Effectiveness
  • Unleash the Potential of Empowerment
  • The Power of Social and Emotional Influence
  • A System of Rewards

Camaraderie = Happy, Loyal Staff

The idea that social ties influence worker productivity and satisfaction is more important than ever in an era of digital disconnection and the rise of remote work. Humans have social needs, and spend a significant portion of their adult lives at work. Peer relationships command the most time in many folks’ lives, and many working adults interact with coworkers more often than any other group. Feeling close to colleagues can boost worker satisfaction and productivity and can increase company loyalty while decreasing turnover and absenteeism. If employers fail to stoke a sense of camaraderie in virtual workplaces, workers are prone to feel lonely and disengaged from the team. Feeling connected to and supported by remote coworkers and managers makes the work from home experience more pleasant and keeps team members on track and on the payroll.

Michael Alexis, TeamBuilding

Dictates How Employees and Work Are Organized

Human management theory influences organizational behavior by shaping how employees are managed and how work is organized. It also affects how employees are rewarded and how they are held accountable. For example, human management theory might dictate that employees should be given more autonomy in their work, or that they should be rewarded based on their individual performance rather than on the performance of their team.

Matthew Ramirez, Paraphrasing Tool

Manager Behavior Has Positive Or Negative Impacts

I love what Dr. Bobby Low of the University of Missouri-Columbia said about human management theory. He said, “Manager behavior has a massive impact on employee behavior – positive or negative. The behaviors that managers demonstrate and tolerate will be modeled and demonstrated by employees and the combination of these behaviors will become your culture.” If an organization doesn’t ensure intentional and positive actions from their managers, they likely won’t be thrilled with the result or impact.

Logan Mallory, Motivosity

human resources experts

Helps Organizations Run Efficiently

Human management theory is based on the belief that employees are people, and should be treated as such. It takes into account the fact that everyone is different, and that each person has their own motivations, needs, and desires.

Human management theory strives to create a positive work environment in which employees feel appreciated and valued. It emphasizes open communication, trust, and respect. By understanding and accommodating the unique needs of each employee, human management theory helps organizations to run more effectively and efficiently.

Claire Westbrook, LSAT Prep Hero

How Leaders Treat Employees

When company leaders look to human management theory, it can make them more cognizant of how they are leading in terms of affecting employee morale. For example, after recognizing that employees who get along with one another will feel happier at the company overall, leaders may realize that facilitating more group projects and teamwork will enhance employee engagement. The more employees are put into group projects, the more comfortable they will feel around one another in general. Basically, when leaders successfully incorporate human management theory into how they lead, this will affect the workplace environment as a whole.

Jared Hines, Acre Gold

Improves Productivity and Operational Effectiveness

Organizational behavior and HR management go hand-in-hand, requiring HR professionals to understand how the organization and its groups of employees impact each other. The relationship between the two can help improve employee productivity and operational effectiveness, including its ability to reach organizational goals and overshadow the competition. Entrepreneurs that have a strong understanding of HR management theory can help organizations build strong elements of trust, leadership, motivation, workforce diversity, and organizational culture that directly impact daily business functions and performance outcomes.

Brett Estep, Insured Nomads

Unleash the Potential of Empowerment

When an organization empowers its employees, it enables its most crucial organizational components to decide on essential dynamics and spearhead its performance. Empowerment influences employees, leaders, and managers to contribute to higher productivity through a sense of belonging, responsibility, and ownership. In turn, these behavioral qualities result in a work environment that boosts positivity, self-motivation, and loyalty.

Azmaira Maker, Ph.D., Aspiring Families

The Power of Social and Emotional Influence

Human management theory helps an organization identify and influence the most vital human qualities in its workforce, and we all know how social and emotional traits rank high on the list. Business processes, digital transformations, and other organizational elements indeed play critical roles in an organization. However, nothing surpasses the impact created by social and emotional principles and conditions. Healthy workplace relationships and the emotional well-being of employees play a significant role in improving employee performance, a component that is directly related to effective organizational behavior.

Eva Taylor, WP Buffs

A System of Rewards

One way that human management theory influences organizational behavior is through introducing a system of rewards for good performance or punishing poor performers with demotions, layoffs, reduced wages or benefits instead of firing them outright as they may be entitled to severance pay if terminated without warning – though this can also depend on local laws governing employment termination and whether there are union contracts involved.

Jar Kuznecov, Water Softeners Hub

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